Why do men leave the woman they love?
You are a girl, who had a boyfriend, spent most of your time with him, and devoted long hours to him, and everything in your relationship seemed smooth, but suddenly you realize that he is not the same person; he got distant and pulled away from you. He stops seeing you, answering your phone calls, texts, etc. Are you desperate?

Don’t be!
Everything in life has a reason; even the most unreasonable, illogical, impossible, and bizarre experience has a meaning behind it.
Instead of weeping under a tree, start thinking healthy!
Get up from your bed
Look in the mirror
Smile at yourself
Buy your favorite chocolate
Make a drink.
Sit in your cozy bed and think the following
Before reading you can also watch the following video 8 Signs Men Leave.
A. You are enough! Sometimes, we have a fault that can wreck our relationship, but only some of the time. Sometimes it is not about you; it is about the person with an issue with himself. It is possible he is depressed. Men usually step back from their significant others when they pass tough times.
B. Think also that he might have insecurity issues. The person can love you, but because he has low self-esteem, he may think he does not deserve you and go away, and you may never know about it.

C. It is possible that he got an urgent responsibility to carry out. Sometimes third parties involved can spoil the two pigeons of love.
CreativeWriterGirl does not want you to waste your time a; lot reading my article, but I want to say that they are tons of other possibilities that a man who loves you vanishes from your life.
All you have to do is to go with the flow. Comment about your experience below, and going to answer.
If you want to read a similar article about “The signs that your friend is enemy” tap here.
Woe..woe.. woe….you led me to the edge here and then left me wanting more. You should not have ended this article by writing you did not want to waste the readers time. If they read that far it was not a waste of time. I wanted more and by writing that you left me hanging. 👣
probably the second one will come up soon