How To Fix: My Computer So Slow All of a Sudden

Why is my computer so slow, even if you keep your computer virus-free and refrain from downloading suspicious programs, in the end, you will also face a problem with the slowdown of the computer, but there is a set of easy and simple solutions that can increase the speed PC and make it start up faster and Solve the slow computer problem.

How To Fix My Computer So Slow All of a Sudden

Here is Step by Step on How To Fix My Computer So Slow All of a Sudden:

1. Keep Your Desktop Empty

It is one of the simplest ways that help to quickly open a computer, because the presence of a lot of files, pictures, folders, programs, etc. on the desktop, makes the device take a longer time to download, and it also exhausts the RAM very significantly, so always make sure that the desktop remains empty All the time.

2. Quit unused programs “for Mac only”

Clicking the “X” at the top of the window does not mean that you have already closed the application, especially on “Mac” devices, as these programs will still be running at the back, so the user must make sure to close all programs that he does not need completely in order to not run when starting to turn the device back on.

3. Close Programs from the “Autoplay” menu

There are a lot of programs that run automatically once the computer is started even though the user may not need them, so the user must check the automatic playlist and check the programs that he does not need to run when the computer is opened so that it does not use up RAM space.

4. Always Make Sure to Remove Temporary Files

It is known that many programs use temporary files, which are often very small in size, but with a large number of these files, they cause a problem in the end, so users must eliminate all the time from these temporary files through many simple programs that can do With such things.

5. Monitor Your Device

Check the Task Manager by pressing Alt + Ctrl + Del, note the programs that consume memory and the processor, and dispense with the programs that you do not need and consume a lot of resources.

6. Check The Power Settings

Make sure the Power Options settings are set to High-performance mode where the processor is operating at full capacity because some other plans may have the processor running at less than its maximum capacity

7. Clean Your Computer From Malicious Software

Always use an anti-virus and malware program to get rid of viruses that may multiply to consume memory and the processor and slow down your computer. You can download many of these programs for free, the most famous of which are Avast – AVG – Avira … etc., and always remember to do so as the first step after installing the operating system. Viruses from accessing your device are much easier than trying to remove them after they have implanted themselves in your system, in case you suspect that your device is infected, use a rescue CD to scan your device and remove viruses.

8. Check the Computer Hardware

Your device may be old or out of date! It is a truism that the old devices will be less able to deal with the amazing developments in computer technology. With the increase and complexity of the various programs, their size increases, so you need a new and faster processing unit and hardware components. Sometimes the heterogeneity of some components inside your device may cause the device to slow down, so you can consult a specialist about the compatibility of the components of your device.


In the end, if you feel like you need to upgrade a piece of hardware or get a completely new platform, be sure to match your workload to whatever component you’re considering; that way you will avoid any performance issues in the future.

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