Mrs Eaves Font is a transitional serif typeface designed by Zuzana Licko in 1996. It is a variant of Baskerville, which was designed in Birmingham, England, in the 1750s. Mrs Eaves adapts Baskerville for use in display contexts, such as headings and book blurs, using a low x-height and a range of unusual combined characters or ligatures.
Table of Contents
Mrs Eaves Font uses:
The beautifully designed Mrs. Eaves font is quite attractive for text formatting. After redesigning, the font has a unique perspective for writing concepts.
Design: Mrs Eavas font is very popular with multi-angle designers.
Content: For the text and title, Ms. Eavas is very helpful for an attractive perspective.
Documentation: The font looks like it is used in documentation.
Logos: You can design your logos with it.
Websites: I have seen several websites use this font.
Mrs Eaves Font View
Mrs Eaves Font Family:
- Mrs Eaves OT Roman
- Mrs Eaves OT Italic
- Mrs Eaves OT Bold
- Mrs Eaves OT Bold Italic
- Mrs Eaves Roman Lining
- Mrs Eaves Roman Small Caps
- Mrs Eaves Roman All Small Caps
- Mrs Eaves Roman All Petite Caps
- Mrs Eaves Roman Petite Caps
Similar to Mrs Eaves Fonts
- Bentham
- URW Baskerville
- Baskerville Nova Pro
- New Baskerville FS
- Carrig Pro
- Carrig Basic
- Garvis Pro
- Winthorpe
- Freight Text Pro
- Baskerville Pro
- Baskerville
- Mysl font
Click here to download a brochure with more information Mrs Eaves Font
Download Mrs Eaves Font
How to install Mrs Eaves Font on Windows
- Download the font files.
- Right-click the font, and click Install.
- Your new fonts will appear in the fonts list in Word.
How to install Mrs Eaves Font on Mac
After downloading a font, let’s say Freight Sans font. It came in a zip format. Just double click on the file and it will unzip immediately. The fonts basically come with .ttf (TrueType Font) or .OTF (OpenType Font) format.
- Click on the font files. It will open like the picture below.
- Click the Install button down on the right corner. It is marked in the picture below.
Your font is now installed.