The consequences of a pedestrian accident can be severe and life-altering. Recent data from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) shows a 5% increase in pedestrian deaths between 2021 and 2022 – the highest in 40 years. As a pedestrian, you are uniquely vulnerable to being struck by a car or truck, which could cause catastrophic injuries and disrupt your life.
Fortunately, suppose you or someone close to you has been involved in an incident of this nature. In that case, legal representation is available to get help from pedestrian accident attorneys to protect your rights and gain financial compensation for any losses incurred. Pedestrian accident attorneys understand how difficult it can be after such an event; they possess specialized knowledge of the law to assist victims with medical bills, pain & suffering associated with the incident. Here are some injuries that victims can suffer in a pedestrian accident.
Soft Tissue Damage
Soft tissue damage can be a major issue after an automobile accident, and unfortunately, these types of injuries don’t always report very well in medical scans. Such injuries can be seriously painful and cause expensive procedures or long-term complications. From minor bruising to severe joint dislocations and internal tears, soft tissue injury victims can experience a great deal of suffering in the aftermath of getting hit by a car.
Knowing this, it’s important to get examined immediately to ensure no hidden internal injuries lingering beneath the surface. If you find yourself in this position, your lawyer may help you prove your situation in court or during settlement negotiations. Recognizing the seriousness of such damages is essential for both personal safety and legal recourse.
Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur when the head is impacted by blunt trauma, leading to bruising and swelling of the brain tissue. These injuries can cause cognitive decline, loss of function, persistent headaches, and personality changes. Victims may be unable to speak or care for themselves independently due to these debilitating effects. Pedestrians are especially susceptible to TBIs from collisions that involve their heads hitting either a vehicle or the ground.
Neck, Back, and Spine Injuries
Whiplash is an injury sustained by neck muscle and ligament due to a jerk-like motion caused by an impact on the vehicle. This can make moving your neck, arms, and shoulders very painful. Additionally, a slipped or herniated disc may result from such collision; this may be characterized by spinal damage with the vertebrae separated due to fluid sac dislocation or tearing of the outer layer of the discs. As a result, it’s possible to experience difficulty walking and chronic pain after such an incident.
Internal Injuries
Internal injuries are the potentially major cause for concern as they may not be immediately apparent. Brain bleeds, fractured ribs, and damage to internal organs are all common types of underlying harm that may be difficult to detect due to the effects of adrenaline. Unless properly assessed and treated, these injuries can become life-threatening. Internal wounds must receive timely medical attention to help avoid any long-term risks associated with leaving them untreated.
Amputation injuries can result in serious physical, emotional, and psychological trauma that can last a lifetime. As such, many compensation claims for amputations may be much higher than those for other personal injury claims. When combined with other injuries, the amount of compensation due to an individual can be even higher.
In the event of a pedestrian death, a wrongful death claim should be filed rather than a personal injury claim. The executor of an adult’s estate (or the parents of a minor) is responsible for filing this type of claim. The damages in these claims differ from those offered under personal injury claims.
Ultimately, pedestrians can experience severe injuries, such as lacerations, bone fractures, and traumatic brain injury, or worse – death – due to a pedestrian accident. To protect your rights and ensure you receive just compensation for damages, seek legal counsel immediately if you have been involved in an incident of this kind.
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