How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft

In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, taming a horse is a thrilling and rewarding experience. Being able to ride and control these majestic creatures opens up new possibilities for exploration and transportation. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to tame a horse in Minecraft, ensuring a successful partnership between you and your equine companion.

How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft

Here Step by Step on How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft:

1. Finding the Perfect Horse

To begin your taming journey, you first need to find a suitable horse in the Minecraft world. Horses can be found in various biomes, such as plains, savannas, or deserts. Look out for horses that already have a saddle on their backs, as these are an indication that they are already tamed. It’s best to select a horse that suits your preferences, whether it’s based on its appearance or stats, such as speed or jump height.

2. Approaching the Horse

Once you’ve found a horse, it’s important to approach it cautiously and calmly. Empty your hand of any items to avoid scaring the horse. Moving slowly towards the horse without making any sudden movements will increase your chances of a successful encounter.

3. Mounting the Horse

Right-click on the horse to mount it. At this stage, the horse may try to buck you off to show its resistance to being tamed. Don’t be discouraged – this is a normal part of the taming process. Simply dismount by pressing the sneak key and try again until the horse becomes more comfortable with your presence.

4. Building Trust and Taming

Building trust is the key to successfully taming a horse in Minecraft. There are two main activities involved in this process: mounting the horse and feeding it.

To mount the horse, right-click on it repeatedly until it stops bucking you off. The more you mount the horse, the more its trust builds.

Feeding the horse is another crucial aspect of taming. Horses can be fed a variety of items such as apples, golden apples, golden carrots, hay bales, sugar, wheat, or bread. Hold the chosen food item in your hand and right-click to offer it to the horse. Each time you feed the horse, its trust level will increase.

Continue the cycle of mounting and feeding until you see white particles appear around the horse. These particles indicate that the horse is now tamed and ready for your ride.

5. Establishing a Bond

Once the horse is tamed, you can solidify your relationship by giving it a name. Obtain a name tag in-game, then right-click on the horse while holding the name tag to access the renaming interface. This step is optional but can help you distinguish your horse from others in the future.


Taming a horse in Minecraft is an exciting process that requires time, patience, and a gentle touch. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a strong bond with your equine companion and embark on countless adventures together. So saddle up, gain their trust, and let the journey begin!

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