The Electra complex is a psychoanalytic term used to describe a girl’s sense of competition with her mother for the affections of her father.
The Electra complex shows the sexual desire between the daughter and the father. Lavinia represents as Electra complex in this play Lavinia loves her father Ezra Mannon.
The Oedipus complex is a term used by Sigmund Freud in his theory of psycho-sexual stages of development to describe a boy’s feeling of desire for his mother and jealously and anger towards his father. A boy feels like he is a competition with his father for possession of his mother. He views his father as a rival for her attentions and affections.
The Oedipus complex shows the sexual desire between the son and the mother. Orin represents as Oedipus complex in the play. Orin loves his mother Christine. While away his father is at war, Orin dreams of his mother. The wish to possess the mother and the acting out of the father’s murderer give Orin the classical oedipal symptoms.
Eugene O’Neill’s refreshed form of the Oresteia. In New England, after the American Civil War, a war-exhausted Agamemnon, Ezra Mannon returns home to his despondent spouse (Christine) and adoring little girl (Lavinia). In any case, Lavinia’s ex-suitor, Adam Brant, has turned into Christine’s darling, and together Adam and Christine plot to harm Ezra. When they succeed, Lavinia swings to her sibling Orin to help convey the sweethearts to equity, yet when they succeed, Orin goes frantic and his suicide note may separate Lavinia and her new suitor, Peter Niles.
Thee Manons – guardians Ezra and Christine, and their developed grown-up kids Lavinia (Vinnie to most who know her) and Orin – are an affluent and very much regarded New England family. Ezra is a war legend and previous city hall leader of the town in which they live. Vinnie and Orin appear to be bound to wed their beloved companions, sibling and sister Peter and Hazel Niles.
However, most around the local area understand that Manon’s open exterior covers some concealed issues. To be sure, the Manons are a broken family. Vinnie has an exceptional bond with Ezra, and Orin has an uncommon bond with Christine (Orin, a mother’s kid, is known as a churlish little child by Vinnie), the two connections verging on the sentimental. For Ezra and Christine, that sentimental love for their youngster replaces what is absent from their very own marriage.
Ezra expresses that he cherishes Christine, yet feels she doesn’t restore that love. He doesn’t understand the genuine, profound situated disdain she has for him. The start of the end for the family begins while Ezra and Orin are away battling in the Civil War, the expectation for Orin being that the experience will transform him into a man. Vinnie, in affection with a ship’s commander named Adam Brant, discovers that Adam is engaging in extramarital relations with her mom. Envy transforms into scorn for both when Vinnie further learns of Adam’s actual parentage. As Adam and Christine plot for a coexistence, Vinnie, upon Orin and Ezra’s arrival from the now-finished war, attempts to persuade her sibling, who has restored a war legend and in this way a man, of their mom’s treachery and the fitting move to make.
The subsequent occasions at last spot Orin and Vinnie inconsistent with one another, they end up having various needs in accomplishing adoration and satisfaction, or if nothing else harmony which is by all accounts missing from the Manon family unit.