Name | Univers Font |
Style | sans-serif |
Designer(s) | Adrian Frutiger |
Rating | Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5] |
Univers Font is the name of a large sans-serif typeface family designed by Adrian Frutiger and published by his employer Debeny & Peignot in 1957, classified as a neo-grotesque sans-serif, based on the model of 19th-century German typefaces, such as Akzidenz-Grotesk, stood out for its availability from the moment of its launch in a wide range of weights and widths. Univers’s original marketing deliberately referenced the periodic table to emphasize its scope.
Univers was one of the first typeface families to fulfill the idea that a typeface should form a family of coherent and related designs. Earlier sans-serif designs, such as Gill Sans, had much larger differences between weights, while loose families such as American Type Founders’ Franklin Gothic family were often advertised under different names for each style, to emphasize that they did not match completely. . By creating a combined range of styles and weights, Univers allowed documents to be created in a consistent font for all text, making it easy to artistically set up documents in sans-serif type. This coincided with the desire of “Swiss-style” typography practitioners for neutral sans-serif typefaces to avoid artistic excesses.
Univers’s design concept was intended to take advantage of new photocomposition technology, in which fonts were stored as glass discs rather than solid metal types and matrices for all sizes to be used. Duty & Peignot had established itself as a leader in this technology, although as the metal type was still very popular at the time of its launch, the design was launched in this form as well. Univers was quickly licensed and relaunched by Monotype, Linotype, American Type Founders, IBM, and others for photocomposition, metal type, and typewriter reproduction. Historian James Mosley has described it as “probably the last major release” from a great metal-type family.
Univers font has 59 weights and was redesigned as a joint project by Linotype and Frutiger. The series is different from the Helvetica typeface, where the discipline was not well maintained. The width of the stroke is relaxed throughout the series like the original rigid formula.
Table of Contents
Univers Font Uses
Universe font has the clever look of being almost everywhere for various purposes. No matter what, the font is really a good choice for text layout or any field.
At 59 pesos, it’s good from the cover to the headlines or from the text to the quote. The font sits beautifully and precisely in the content.
It is also very good for design purposes. Graphic designers like the font for their jobs in standard and smart implementation.
Univers Font Preview
Univers Font Family
- Univers Pro 45 Light
- Univers Pro 45 Light Oblique
- Univers Pro 55 Roman
- Univers Pro 55 Oblique
- Univers Pro 65 Bold
- Univers Pro 65 Bold Oblique
- Univers Pro 75 Black
- Univers Pro 75 Black Oblique
- Univers Pro 85 Extra Black
- Univers Pro 85 Extra Black Oblique
- Univers Pro 47 Light Condensed
- Univers Pro 47 Light Condensed Oblique
- Univers Pro 57 Condensed
- Univers Pro 57 Condensed Oblique
- Univers Pro 67 Bold Condensed
- Univers Pro 67 Bold Condensed Oblique
- Univers Pro 39 Thin Ultra Condensed
- Univers Pro 49 Light Ultra Condensed
- Univers Pro 59 Ultra Condensed
- Univers Pro 53 Extended
- Univers Pro 53 Extended Oblique
- Univers Pro 63 Bold Extended
- Univers Pro 63 Bold Extended Oblique
- Univers Pro 73 Black Extended
- Univers Pro 73 Black Extended Oblique
- Univers Pro 93 Extra Black Extended
- Univers Pro 93 Extra Black Extended Oblique
Similar Fonts To Univers
- Open Sans
- Roboto
- Futura
- Helvetica Neue
- Univers Cyrillic
- Zurich
- Neogram
- Swiss 721
- Saral Devanagari
- FB New Gothic
Download Univers Font
How to install Univers Font on Windows
- Download the font files.
- Right-click the font, and click Install.
- Your new fonts will appear in the fonts list in Word.
How to install Univers Font on Mac
After downloading a font, let’s say Freight Sans font. It came in a zip format. Just double-click on the file and it will unzip immediately. The fonts basically come with .ttf (TrueType Font) or.OTF (OpenType Font) format.
- Click on the font files. It will open like the picture below
- Click the Install button down on the right corner. It is marked in the picture below.
Your font is now installed.
Font FAQs
- What type of font is Univers?
Ans: Univers font is a Linotype disciplined font and well uniformed. - Is Univers Font safe to download and use on My PC and MAC?
Ans: Univers font is safe to download in computers both PC and MAC. - Is there any font similar to Univers in Google Fonts?
Ans: A couple of fonts are similar to Univers. Futura PT, Roboto, Helvetica Neue are some of them. - Is it ok to use this in an online platform?
Ans: You can use Univers font in online platforms with the paid version only. - How to install Univers font in a Computer?