Many of us are remarkably smart at hosting our guests with splendid serving. You may also need to look inside you and find if you are also fine person with an excellent aesthetic sense wrapped up with a talent of presenting food with style.
Catering business Who is eligible to opt for this:
The one who are passionate about food.
If you are interested in lunchtime meals
If your heart is set on making salads and quiches or any other food which is supposed to be taken at lunch time then you need to model your catering business around lunch time service.
Venus for lunchtime service could be like this:
School functions
Business luncheons
Daytime awards ceremonies
Catering for wedding events:
It offers a number of food items including finger food and some desserts too.
If you are interested in sweet dishes:
Dessert catering is much easier as it demands a little equipment. But it will also limit your clients.
Create a booklet or a menu
By creating menu book you will be able to determine further things you will be needing in this regard.
You menu should be like
Keeping in mind the vegan, non-veg and vegetarian.
Menu should offer a great variety of tastes such mild taste and sizzling spicy.
Meat products.
Give a demo of your food:
After you are done with the finalization of menu now it’s time to test your food. You can call your bunch of friends and make them eat the food you prepared. And this is how you can have genuine feedback.
Presentation of food matters a lot:
You need to adjust your dishes and food items very finely.
You have to keep this mind that it has to be noticed first and taste later. So make it look perfect and of course
No compromise on taste.
Find a space to rent
Now find a suitable place for setting your business.
Space on hourly bases
You can also opt for space which is given on hourly bases so if will cater for few days of week then this option will be convenient for you.
But if you are thinking to cater through the week then think of getting a space where you can settle your kitchen and other essential equipment properly.
Create a budget:
You need equipment and for this you need to manage your budget to let things go smoothly.
If baking is your niche then you must have more than one oven.
Basic and necessary equipment
Refrigerators for food storage.
Walk-in freezer.
Crockery such as pots and pans.
Serving platters.
Disposable plates.
Display trays.
Tiered food platters.
Chafing dishes along with liquid fuel burners.
Place mats, napkins.
Decoration pieces and centerpieces.
Canopies 9if you are spreading your business on a broader scale.
License and paperwork:
Now it’s time to do some official paper work regarding licenses. Get to know about the laws of your locality and inspect about the rules and regulations.
In paper work you will mention the prices you have set. Make sure you do a book-keeping for keeping tabs on your expenses.
Keep tabs on invoices and income.
How to deliver a food:
You need to have a van for transporting food.
You can also think of hiring a staff for your assistance in terms of food preparation and delivery etc.
Get yourself advertised:
You need to market your business. You can advertise yourself by different means:
Pass out fliers and menus
Post on Facebook
Taking out ads in local newspapers.