Ghosts of Saltmarsh (PDF-Summary-Review-Online Reading-Download)

NameGhosts of Saltmarsh
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Ghosts of Saltmarsh is an anthology of adventure modules for the fifth edition of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.

Ghosts of Saltmarsh Summary

Ghosts of Saltmarsh is an anthology of updated modules and adventures from previous editions, including three adventures from the classic “U” series. The modules are modified to use the fifth edition rules so that the adventures can be played in the order they are presented in the book or in a home campaign. If played in order as a seafaring campaign, it takes characters from level 1 to level 12. The adventures included, in the order of presentation and including the year of original publication, are:

The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (1981)
Danger at Dunwater (1982)
Salvage Operation (2005)
Isle of the Abbey (1992)
The Final Enemy (1983)
Tammeraut’s Fate (2004)
The Styes (2005)
Additionally, the book contains rules for ship-to-ship combat and includes details about the port city of Saltmarsh, which is the anchor of each adventure.

Rules requiredThe Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh: 1
Danger at Dunwater: 3
Salvage Operation: 4
Isle of the Abbey: 5
The Final Enemy: 7
Tammeraut’s Fate: 9
The Styles: 11
Character levelsThe Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh: 1
Danger at Dunwater: 3
Salvage Operation: 4
Isle of the Abbey: 5
The Final Enemy: 7
Tammeraut’s Fate: 9
The Styles: 11
File FormatPDF

Ghosts of Saltmarsh Review

Ghosts of Saltmarsh brings classic adventures to the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons. This adventure book combines some of the most popular classic adventures from the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons, including the classic “U” series, plus some of the best nautical adventures in Dungeon Magazine history: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Danger at Dunwater, Salvage Operation, Abbey Island, The Final Enemy, The Fate of Tammeraut, The Styes.


Ghosts of Saltmarsh PDF


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