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We can say that today’s topic is a more progressive one in contrast with the former blog, since in the former blog the main central themes were the writing, reading & revising skills, whereas at this time we are focusing on listening and speaking.
As you can guess, we will talk about podcasts, the difference between podcasts and podcasting, Soundcloud as an alternative podcast as well as what prospects podcasts open up for EFL teachers.
The term podcast is a combination of the terms pod (i.e., from the Apple iPod) and broadcast (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2007). They are digital audios and videos that are made up of episodes uploaded on the web with the aid of Rapid Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds (Lafferty & Walch, 2006).
television podcasts
radio podcasts
classroom podcasts
individual or group podcasts
Nowadays a variety of them can be found on the iTunes store.
Podcasting is video making or audio recording practice that emerged when technological advancements took place.
Many social media users nowadays massively post their own broadcasts and gain followers.
The topics vary from daily to academic ones. For example, Tiktok became very popular in recent years and many users upload their own designed videos.
Furthermore, I would like to tell you a little bit about SoundCloud. Why I particularly chose this app? Soundcloud I started using it when I was around 16. It is founded on August 2007 in Sweden. Even though SoundCloud is not the best option for podcasting, however, it is still very practical for use.
SoundCloud is an app, where you can sign up, search for audio, and add it to your playlist also you can simply mark your favorite soundtrack by heart and it will automatically be added to your liked audio.
You can also upload there your own recordings and get followers. Another practical fact is that in SoundCloud most of your soundtracks become available offline.
Last but not the least, on SoundCloud, you can come across a variety of remixes of your favorite song as well as given additional effects to it, which may not be available anywhere else.
Finally, TEFL podcasting also marked a positive alteration. Many teachers encouraged their students to start recording their own voices or designing a creative video of themselves.
It is not surprising that many students indeed enjoyed the whole process and witnessed an advancement in their communication skills as well as listening over time. If you want to read our other article about using technology in the classroom then tap here.
I am very new to all of this bút i am starting to get stagnant without work and learning.
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