Wingdings Font – Download Free Fonts

NameWingdings Font
StyleSymbolic Font, Typeface
DesignerKris Holmes and Charles Bigelow
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Wingdings Font is a symbolic font designed by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow in 1990 and published through Microsoft. This is a series of Dingbat fonts that are also symbolic letter fonts. This font was created by attaching the Lucida icon, arrow, and star glyphs, which were also designed by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow. It was reorganized in 1992 and renamed Microsoft Windings (TM).

None of the characters were mapped to Unicode at that time; however, Unicode approved the addition of many symbols in the Wingdings and Webdings fonts in Unicode 7.0.

With three styles, we will find many icons in this font. Microsoft owns the Windings trademark. There are many recognized forms and gestures, as well as some recognized world symbols that we find in this font.

There are many Wingdings-like fonts like Xingy Ding, Tidbits, GG Dingbats, FF Dingbats 2.0 Human, PIXymbols Dingbats, and many more. The free download is available on our website.

Wingdings Font Uses

Since it is a symbolic font, you will find many icons and images in this font that can be used for various purposes. Wingdings font is very useful for desktop publishing. It is also possible to use this font in all fields, from website design to application design.

You can create checkboxes, pointers/arrows, bullet circles or squares, borders, dividers, and even general images with the help of this font. This font is also very useful for adding various icons to business cards, brochures, posters, etc. Therefore, it can be said that this font is very important for designers.

Wingdings Font Preview


Wingdings Font Family

  1. Wingdings
  2. Wingdings 2
  3. Wingdings 3

Similar Fonts To Wingdings Font

  • Xingy Ding
  • Tidbits
  • GG Dingbats
  • FF Dingbats 2.0 Human
  • PIXymbols Dingbats

Download My Hero Wingdings Font

How install Wingdings Font on Windows

  1. Download the font files.
  2. Right-click the font, and click Install.image
  3. Your new fonts will appear in the fonts list in Word.

How to install Wingdings Font on Mac

After downloading a font, let’s say Freight Sans font. It came in a zip format. Just double-click on the file and it will unzip immediately. The fonts basically come with .ttf (TrueType Font) or.OTF (OpenType Font) format.

  1. Click on the font files. It will open like the picture below.image
  2. Click the Install button down on the right corner. It is marked in the picture below.image

Your font is now installed.

How to install Wingdings Font on Linux?

Copy the font files (.ttf or .otf) to fonts:// in the File Manager.
Or: Go into the /home folder, in the menu select View > Show Hidden Files, you will see the hidden folder .fonts (if not, create it) then copy the font files there.
Or: (under some Linux versions – Ubuntu for example) Double-click the font file > “Install font” button in the preview window.

Font FAQs

What kind of font is Wingdings?
Answer: The Wingdings font is a symbolic font designed by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow in 1990.
Is it safe to download and use Wingdings Font on My PC and MAC?
Answer: Yes, it is 100% safe to download for both PC and MAC.
Is there a font similar to Wingdings in Google Fonts?
Answer: Yes, it has. The closest alternative in Google Fonts to Wingdings is Libre Barcode 128 Text.
Is it okay to use this on an online platform?
Answer: Yes, you can use the Wingdings font on the online platform.

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