Proxima Nova Font – Download Free Fonts

NameProxima Nova Font
StyleSans serif
AuthorMark Simonson
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Proxima Nova Family Fonts is a complete reworking of Proxima Sans (1994). The original six fonts (three italic weights) have been expanded to 42 full-featured OpenType fonts. 

There are three widths: Proxima Nova, Proxima Nova Condensed, and Proxima Nova Extra Condensed. Each width consists of 14 fonts: seven weights with matching italics. Stylistically, Proxima Nova straddles the gap between typefaces like Futura and Akzidenz Grotesk. 

The result is a hybrid that combines humanistic proportions with a somewhat geometric appearance. Summary of Features: 7 Weights: Slim, Light, Regular, Semibold, Bold, Extrabold, and Black 3 Widths: Normal, Condensed, and Extra Condensed Matching Italic for All Weights and Widths Matching Small Caps for All Weights and Widths * Lining and Figures old-style (proportional and tabular) * Full set off “ligatures * Alternate characters (a, l, y, G) * Automatic fractions * Automatic ordinals * Dingbats (16) * Extended language support (most of Latin scripts) * Extended currency support * * Requires an OpenType and/or Unicode compatible application. All characters, including lowercase, old-style figures, and alternate characters are included in the basic Proxima Nova fonts. Supplemental fonts (Proxima Nova Alt and Proxima Nova ScOsf) are included for use with programs (such as Flash and Microsoft Word) that do not yet support all OpenType features. Supplemental fonts are NOT necessary at all with OpenType expert programs (such as Adobe Creative Suite and QuarkXPress 7).

Proxima Nova Font Uses

Proxima Nova Font is basically a text font to use in the body of an article. However, there are several options in 48 styles from the entire font family. Good for cover text and banner.

As the font is a hybrid of two fonts, the utilization is multiple for almost all sections. Designers can find this type of potential font for its incredible design.

You can also use the font in official letters and formats. This one looks great for formal implementation too. That doesn’t mean you can’t use them in informal situations. The font is free for personal use and you can use it at will in any situation you want.

Proxima Nova Font Family

  1. Proxima Nova Alt Bold
  2. Proxima Nova Alt Light
  3. Proxima Nova Alt Thin
  4. Proxima Nova Black
  5. Proxima Nova Bold
  6. Proxima Nova Extrabold
  7. Proxima Nova Thin
  8. Proxima Nova-Regular
  1. Montserrat 
  2. Lato
  3. Nunito Sans
  4. Raleway
  5. Core Sans
  6. Cera Brush
  7. Milano
  8. Gibbs
  9. Nimbus Sans Font

Download Proxima Nova Font

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How to install Proxima Nova Font on Windows

  1. Download the font files.
  2. Right-click the font, and click Install.image
  3. Your new fonts will appear in the fonts list in Word.

How to install Proxima Nova Font on Mac

After downloading a font, let’s say Freight Sans font. It came in a zip format. Just double-click on the file and it will unzip immediately. The fonts basically come with .ttf (TrueType Font) or.OTF (OpenType Font) format.

  1. Click on the font files. It will open like the picture below.image
  2. Click the Install button down on the right corner. It is marked in the picture below.image

Your font is now installed.

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