Kama Sutra Book By Vatsyayana With Pictures (PDF-Online Reading-Summary-Review-Download)

TitleKama Sutra
Year of Publication1883
GenresSutra Literature
LanguageEnglish, Sanskrit
File FormatPDF
Number of Pages151
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Kama Sutra is an ancient Hindu Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism, and emotional satisfaction in life. Attributed to Vatsyayana Mallanaga, the Kama Sutra is neither exclusively nor predominantly a sexual manual on sexual positions but is written as a guide to the art of living well, the nature of love, finding a life partner, maintaining a love life, and other related aspects. to the pleasure-oriented faculties of human life. It is a sutra genre text with short aphoristic verses that have survived to the modern era with different bhāṣyas (expositions and commentaries).

The text is a mixture of poetry verses in prose and anustubh-metro. The text recognizes the Hindu concept of Purusharthas and lists desire, sexuality, and emotional satisfaction as one of the proper goals of life. Its chapters discuss methods of dating, training in the arts to be socially attractive, finding a mate, flirting, maintaining power in married life, when and how to commit adultery, sexual positions, and other topics. Most of the book deals with the philosophy and theory of love, what triggers desire, what sustains it, and how and when it is good or bad.

The text is one of many Indian texts on Kama Shastra. It is a highly translated work in Indian and non-Indian languages. The Kamasutra has influenced many secondary texts that followed after the 4th century AD, as well as Indian arts, exemplified by the widespread presence of Kama-related reliefs and sculptures in ancient Hindu temples. Of these, Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Among the surviving temples in northern India, one in Rajasthan sculpts all the main chapters and sexual positions to illustrate the Kamasutra. According to Wendy Doniger, the Kamasutra became “one of the most pirated books in the English language” shortly after Richard Burton published it in 1883. This first European edition of Burton does not accurately reflect much on the Kamasutra because he revised the collaborative translation of Bhagavanlal Indrajit and Shivaram Parashuram Bhide with Forster Arbuthnot to suit 19th-century Victorian tastes.

How does Kama Sutra work

The Kamasutra was written in an abstract and vague form of Sanskrit, which has made it difficult to translate accurately into modern English. It is made up of 1,250 verses that are divided into 36 chapters. The general book is divided into 7 different parts:

1. Dattaka – General Principles

The book begins with an introduction and a history of the four objectives of Hindu life. It includes advice and philosophy on topics such as how to live an honorable life and how to gain knowledge.

2. Suvarnanabha – Amorous advances and sexual union

The second part directly addresses the sexual content that many people associate with the Kamasutra. There are details on 64 different types of sexual acts, from hugging and kissing to more aggressive acts like grabbing and slapping.

3. Ghotakamukha – Acquiring a wife

The third part focuses on the life of a bachelor and the ways of courting a woman for marriage. They are mainly based on astrological compatibility and the benefits of marriage for the families involved, in accordance with the Indian social caste system.

4. Gonardiya: duties and privileges of the wife

The fourth part analyzes the author’s view of the traditional duties of a wife: cooking, cleaning, and caring for her husband. This section seems out of place with modern relationships and views on gender roles, but keep in mind that it was written thousands of years ago, in a different time and place.

5. Gonikaputra – Friends and Family

The fifth part describes the roles of different genders in non-sexual relationships. It teaches how to understand emotions and discusses ways to deepen bonds between family and friends.

6. Charayana – Courtesans

Part six explores a man’s use of courtesans or prostitutes to build confidence in his sexual abilities before seeking a wife. He also provides advice on how to fix past relationships with friends and lovers, how to get rich, and what to look for in a committed partner.

7. Kuchumara – Occult Practices

The book ends with a section on legends, myths, and sexual practices. This includes personal grooming, the use of perfumes and oils, and homeopathic remedies for sexual problems.

Kama Sutra Sexual Positions

While most poses are complex and difficult, there are some that are fairly easy for most people to try. Examples include:

The Tigress

This position is similar to the reverse cowgirl position. To begin, one partner lies on their back and the other climbs on top, sitting upright but facing their partner’s feet. The person on top rocks back and forth, controlling the pace and depth of penetration.

The Embrace of Milk and Water

One member of the couple sits in a chair, preferably without arms. The other partner sits on top of them, with his back to them.

Closing Position

This position is a variation of the missionary position. Both partners lie down on a comfortable surface, with their legs stretched and aligned. One partner lies on top of the other, with their bellies touching, while the other pushes from the bottom position.

Queen of Heaven

A partner lies on his back with his knees bent toward his chest. The other partner places his or her thighs on the outside of the other person’s bent legs and leans forward.

Ballet Dancer

One person stands and balances on one foot, then wraps the opposite leg around their partner’s waist for support.

Splitting the Bamboo

One person stretches and shifts their weight to one side, then lifts one leg and rests it on their partner’s shoulder. His other leg remains stretched out beneath his partner.

The Lock

One partner sits on a firm surface, such as a table, and reclines slightly. The other partner leans over, lifts the other person’s pelvis, and holds it firmly. The seated person then brings their feet together behind the standing partner’s back.

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