Things You Save in a Fire By Katherine Center [PDF,Online Reading, Summary, Review,Download]

Cassie Hanwell was born for emergencies. As one of the only female firefighters at her Texas fire station, she has seen her fair share of them and is a total professional in other people’s tragedies. But when her separated and sick mother asks her to give up her whole life and move to Boston, Cassie suddenly has an emergency of her own.

Boston’s tough old fire station is as different from Cassie’s old job as it could be. Hazing, lack of funds, and poor facilities mean that firefighters are not exactly delighted to have a “lady” in the crew, even one as competent and intelligent as Cassie, except for the inspiring newbie in love, who doesn’t seem to mind having Cassie around. But she can’t think about that. Because love is feminine, and it’s not your thing. And don’t forget the advice your former captain gave you: never go out with the firemen. Cassie may feel that her resolution slips … and that means risking everything: the only job she has loved and the hero she has worked on to become hell.

The things you save in a Katherine Centerfire are a sincere and healing journey about the force of vulnerability, the nourishing magic of forgiveness, and the life-changing power of defining courage, finally, for yourself.


Texan firefighter Cassie Hanwell loves her job and the men and women she works with at her Austin-based station. When Cassie’s separated mother calls out of nowhere to ask Cassie to move to Boston to help her after an operation, Cassie reluctantly accepts, but her pending transfer to the nearby male fire station doesn’t worry her until her captain in Austin begins to offer advice: “If you make eye contact, do it head-on, like a predator.” “Don’t have sex with the firemen. Or friends of the firemen. Or relatives of the firemen. “If your captain says to run a mile, run two. ” As for the dominated? “Do thirty, at least…. And make sure you can do at least some with one hand. “Cassie expects this advice to be anachronistic, but a fire station that has never had a” fireman “in 120 years slowly adapts. And reluctantly. The whole situation is about the rookie, the new boy with a big heart that all the other firefighters like much more than Cassie, although he is clearly more skilled. Cassie, to his horror, also likes the rookie a lot. , intelligent and with an intelligent rhythm, Things You Save in a Fire goes on around the themes of equality, love, redemption, and forgiveness, even when it offers an unforgettable protagonist that shows not only “a few” but nine impressive and worthy of joy, dominated with one hand on your first day of work.

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About The Author

Katherine Center is the best-selling New York Times author of How to Walk Away and the Next Things You Save in a Fire (August 2019), as well as five other bittersweet comic novels. She writes about how we fall and how we climb again. Six Foot Pictures is adapting its fourth novel, The Lost Husband, to a movie starring Josh Duhamel and Leslie Bibb. Katherine has been compared to Nora Ephron and Jane Austen, and the Dallas Morning News calls her stories, “satisfying in the most nutritious way for the soul.” Katherine recently gave a talk on TEDx about how stories teach us empathy, and her work has appeared. in USA Today, InStyle, Redbook, People, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, Real Simple, Southern Living, and InTouch, among others. Katherine lives in her hometown of Houston, Texas, with her funny husband, two sweet children, and a fluffy but fierce dog.

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